Bird Care Supplies

 Bird Supplies Guide

Hello! In my last post, I talked about the different types of birds I recommend for beginning birdkeepers. Today I will be talking about the most important for your feathered friend; supplies.

Different birds obviously require different things. I am going to briefly discuss the general items for most bird care, as well as a few specific things for specific birds!


Bird cages are one of the most important parts of bird care. Your bird will more often than not see the cage as a safe place. A birdcage serves as a place of rest for your bird, and they will spend lots of time in there, so it is very important that you choose a good bird cage.

While very popular, round birdcages like this are NOT recommended! Circular, round birdcages can be a huge harm for your bird. The spot where the bars meet at the top for example is very tight. Your bird can easily get their foot or beak stuck in there, leading to injury. Round cages are also often less sturdy, and seldom made out of stainless steel. Stainless steel is the optimal material for a birdcage, as it is sturdy and nontoxic for the bird. Round cages are also bad for the bird psychologically. With no angles in the cage, birds will often climb around, and go crazy from feeling like they are not going anywhere.

This is what a good quality birdcage should be. Spacious, with angles. These types of cages come with multiple perches and little doors for food and water dishes.


Many bird owners assume that their bird's diet can consist of all seeds, however this is untrue. A bird's diet should be only 40% seeds, with the other 60% being fruits and other more nutritious foods.

Strawberries, apples, and blackberries are some of the most common foods for domestic birds. They are rich in vitamins that are necessary for your birds health.

Every type of bird will have a different type of birdseed suited for them. It is often determined by their beak shape and their diets. Food for finches is often small and straight, which is easy for them to pick up with their beaks. However, food for larger parrots is often big and round, such as certain types of nuts, as they are able to be grasped in larger rounded beaks.

The third type of food you can give to your bird as a treat is called millet. Millet is a type of seed that grows on stalks, similar to wheat, and is a well loved food by many types of small birds. It has an appealing texture for the bird and is also full of many vitamins they need. While it should not be given all the time, it is still a good food source for your bird, and it is something they will most likely be driven to.


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