Birdkeeping: Good birds for beginners?

 Bird Care: Lesson 1

Choosing a proper bird

This is the first of many posts to come based around proper domesticated bird care. Allow me to start this off with a disclaimer. I do not believe most birds should be kept as pets. Bird care is a responsibility unlike any other domesticated pet, because birds are not truly domesticated, especially many breeds of parrots. It is impossible for humans to fully replicate the experience they would have in the wild, which can lead to many pet birds suffering early deaths from malnourishment, mental disorders, and unknowing neglect. That being said, this blog aims to inform people about proper bird care, and I encourage those interested to look into adopting birds, and to not buy them from bird farms or pet shops. It is also a good idea to understand how different types of birds should be cared for so you can choose a type that best fits your lifestyle. This first post, I will be discussing a few different birds that are good for beginner bird keepers!

Bird 1: Zebra Finch

While native to Australia, zebra finches can live in almost any climate, making them suitable for other countries, save for the extreme temperatures. Their diet consists of a variety of small seeds, some insects, and occasional fruit, meaning they are not expensive to feed. They are some of the smallest birds kept as pets, but are also quite loud. You should only get a finch if you are willing to put up with noise, but this goes for any bird you can keep as a pet.

Bird 2: Diamond Dove

Doves are a far less common bird to be kept as a pet, but the Diamond Dove is one of the least common breeds. They are one of the smartest dove species, and come in brilliant blue colors. Their diets consist of mostly seeds and millet, though it is also recommended that you feed them dark leafy greens once a week. While doves are not as loud, they still make lots of noise with certain behaviors. They can be very affectionate birds, making them good for companionship.

Bird 3: Budgies

The budgie, also known as the Parakeet, is the most common pet bird, and is a good parrot for first time bird keepers. Unfortunately, they are often kept as throwaway pets, due to how easy they are to breed. When buying a Budgie, research the distributer of the bird beforehand, and make sure their animal keeping practices are humane. Budgies are a delicate breed of bird, but are still fairly manageable. Their diets, like most parrots, must contain at least 60% fruits and nuts. Blackberries and apples are a common treat for these birds. The other 40% of your birds diet can be a mix of seeds, millet, and other bird-safe foods. ALWAYS do your research before feeding your budgie anything new. Make sure your sources are reputable.

These three birds, Finches, Doves, and Budgies, are in my opinion some of the easier and more tame birds to take care of. I hope that in future blog posts to come, I can help you make an informed decision when picking out your new feathered friend!


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