Bird Toys

Supplies Continued

Another type of supplies you will need for your bird's wellbeing is enrichment. Enrichment, usually in the form of many types of toys.

Toys are a very important part of taking care of a bird. They keep your bird occupied, as well as keeping them active and entertained. There are many types of toys you can get for different birds.

Rope toys are a well loved toy by many birds. They are good for them to grip on to, and the twists you can do with the perch toys allows for more variety in where you bird can perch in their cage. It is important to get a rope toy with multiple sizes. Having variation in where your bird can perch will prevent them from getting cramps in their feet from holding the same footing position for too long.

Cuttlebones are another type of toy for your bird. It is a chalky mass harvested from the shells of cuttlefish, and are very rich in calcium. Birds often enjoy chewing on them. Chewing on these masses is like the bird equivalent of a salt lick, and they are very important for the bird to groom themselves. They help keep the bird's beak as short as they need.

Paper is, strangely enough, a very good enrichment toy for birds. Most birds know not to eat the paper, but instead, they enjoy ripping off strips of it with their beak. This behavior is caused by their instinct for creating nests. In the image above, there is a lovebird who is putting these materials in it's tail feathers for easier transport. In the wild, many parrots do this to transport large groups of materials to their chosen nesting spot. Birds also often do this behavior out of boredom, so it's good to have pieces of paper handy when handling your bird, so they have access to something to occupy themselves with.

Bell toys are another popular product among owners. Toys that make sounds are very stimulating for birds, and because they can be thrown around, can serve as a partial exercise toy. Birds will often carry them around or throw them with their beaks, sometimes going to retrieve them.

These are just a few of the more common toys used by bird owners. They are all very good for a bird's enrichment and care. When purchasing these sorts of toys, always remember to make sure the materials used are not flimsy and cannot break off, and also make sure that they are made with materials safe for your bird.


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