
 Should you Let your Bird Outside?

Bringing your bird outside is a rather controversial topic among bird keepers. Many will tell you that it is good for your bird, and many others will tell you it is dangerous. It all comes down to each bird, and where in the world they live.

Temperature has a big part to play in how comfortable your bird will be outside. Many domestic birds are parrots, which are evolved to live in warm environments, so if where you live is cold, it is a good idea to not take your bird outside, so they do not get sick or feel uncomfortable. Weather also has a big factor in how safe the outside is for your bird. If it is raining, or snowing, even just a little bit, it is definitely not a good idea to take your bird outside. This will most definitely lead to them getting sick

Another problem is the local wildlife and domestic animals in your area. Your bird may panic and feel unsafe if they see dogs, cats, or even other large birds. You need to be able to be responsible for any reactions your bird has to these encounters. Plant life can also be unsafe for your bird. Pollen in the air is especially dangerous, as even a little may cause breathing issues for your bird.

If you do decide to take your bird outside, after considering these factors, there are things you should consider beforehand. The first is getting a harness for your bird. A harness allows your bird to still fly around, but stay tethered to you for a certain distance. Many birds may straight up fly away and get lost if they are not harnessed, and this often leads to the bird starving or being eaten by a larger animal. You can buy bird harnesses online, but it is always important to get one made of a strong material that will not break, and fits snugly on your bird, but not too tight.

You should also think about how long you want your bird to be outside. Around 15 minutes a day should normally be fine for your bird, however you should pay attention to how your bird acts during this time. Are they calm? Do they vocalize, or are they quiet? Do they seem to be affected, or do they act the same? These are important things to pay attention to to determine whether the outside is good for your bird or not.


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